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Development cooperation increases global safety

Feminist foreign policy aims to challenge traditional power structures, norms, and inequalities that perpetuate gender-based discrimination and violence. It also seeks to promote gender equality and address the specific needs and concerns of women in the global arena.

The key objectives of feminist foreign policy are gender equality, inclusion of diverse perspectives in decision-making processes at all levels, women’s economic empowerment, prevention of violence against women, sexual and reproductive health and rights, peace and security and global solidarity and cooperation.

One important instrument of feminist foreign policy is development cooperation. It enhances global safety by addressing the root causes of insecurity, as poverty and exclusion are often associated with social unrest, violence, and radicalization. By improving access to education, healthcare, clean water, sanitation, and basic services, development cooperation can empower communities and foster social cohesion.

Moreover, by supporting international institutions, and fostering collaboration among countries, development cooperation enhances collective efforts to address global challenges and maintain global safety.

Just now, Petteri Orpo is leading the formation of the new government. Some of the parties participating in the government formation talks have claimed to make cuts to the budget on global cooperation, humanitarian aid and development cooperation. From the perspective of feminist foreign policy and global safety, this sounds very alarming – particularly now, when authoritarian regimes such as Russia try to destabilize the world order.

FinnWID – Naiset kehitystyössä ry promotes gender equality and women’s rights in development cooperation. In previous years, FinnWID’s work has focused on preventing trafficking in persons on grass root level in Benin City, Nigeria. 

Since 2020, FinnWID has supported vocational studies of young women in FinnWID’s partner organization’s education center. Increasing young women’s opportunities for education is important, as sustainable livelihood decreases the risk of young women to fall into the empty promises of human traffickers.

The work also has wider implications. Preventing trafficking in persons is important for increasing global safety and well-being. Trafficking in persons is a grave violation of human rights, involving the exploitation of vulnerable people for various purposes, such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, or organ trafficking. 

Human trafficking is a very gendered phenomenon. Women and girls represent 65 percent of all trafficking victims globally. Moreover, 90 percent of the victims trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation are women and girls.

From FinnWID’s perspective, the prevention efforts should focus on the root causes of human trafficking, such as poverty, inequality, lack of education, and limited economic opportunities. 

Furthermore, prevention should address vulnerable groups, such as women and girls, migrants, children, and marginalized communities. By providing targeted interventions, including education, vocational training and awareness campaigns, prevention measures can effectively reach those most at risk of trafficking.

While saving many lives, prevention of trafficking in persons also improves global safety by reducing irregular migration that is often related to smuggling, sexual exploitation and other types of crime. 

Given the transnational nature of trafficking, prevention efforts require international cooperation and collaboration. Countries can work together to share information and best practices, as well as coordinate efforts to combat trafficking. Cooperation can include joint investigations, information sharing platforms, and mutual legal assistance.

Just now, Petteri Orpo is leading the formation of the new government. Some of the parties participating in the government formation talks have claimed to make cuts to the budget on global cooperation, humanitarian aid and development cooperation. From the perspective of feminist foreign policy and global safety, this sounds very alarming – particularly now, when authoritarian regimes such as Russia try to destabilize the world order.

It is important that Finland will continue to carry its responsibility of respecting human rights and building a safer world by contributing to development cooperation, humanitarian aid and peace work. They are investments in a safe world as well as proceeding more feminist foreign policy. 

Itohan Okundaye

Human Trafficking Activist 

The views and opinions expressed in the blogs are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the National Council of Women of Finland.

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